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Feature: Billing
Money often costs too much. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Problem: Do you pay someone to handle your billing? Do you spend a large amount of effort tracking what insurance company was billed when? Are you tired or rejection after rejection?
Solution: Getting paid in a timely manner for your services is the goal of effective billing. By integrating all your information in ChiroPractice Pro, we provide an effective, easy to use way of getting the proper information to the insurance companies so thay you can get paid.

Billing Model:

Patient information, including personal information and insurance information, is combined with diagnosis codes from each of the customized exams. This is supplimented by data from the dail SOAP notes to gather types of CMT, modalities, procedures, x-rays, etc. to produce a 'smart' CMS-1500 form with all the required fields filled out. After review, the form is automatically batched together with other billings for that day and uplaoded to our insurance clearinghouse partner, ENS. ENS then forwards the information to Medicare or other group insurance companies. If you prefer to drop the claim to paper to submit on your own, this can also be accomplished. When the insurance completes it processing the EOBs(Explanation of Benifits) and Check are sent to you and ERAs(Electronic Remittance Advice) are sent to ENS which can be autoposted to ChiroPractice Pro.

ChiroPractice Pro reports track each time the insurance is billed, if it's rejected, if/when it's paid, how much is paid, how much is adjusted due to contracts, when you bill the patient and all your accounts receivables.

About ENS:

Since 1989, ENS has helped pioneer the rapid evolution of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and medical reimbursements within the healthcare industry. ENS now processes healthcare transactions from more than 200,000 providers nationwide. ENS is simplifying the entire healthcare transaction process by reducing administrative costs, improving efficiencies, and creating faster results for all participants. You can find out more information on their services by visiting their website: ENShealth.com

In order to take advantage of all the billing features, an account with ENS is required. We have a strategic patnership with ENS which gives you unique access and integration to all their state of the art tools, including electronic claims tracking, electronic remittance advice and access to their online portal and suite of tools.

Contact ChiroPractice Pro at 866-914-6436 or info@chiropracticepro.com for more details and pricing structure.

Can anybody remember when the times were not hard and money not scarce. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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