Do you pay someone to handle your billing? Do you spend a large amount of effort tracking what insurance company was billed when? Are you tired or rejection after rejection?
Getting paid in a timely manner for your services is the goal of effective billing. By integrating all your information in ChiroPractice Pro, we provide an effective, easy to use way of getting the proper information to the insurance companies so thay you can get paid.
Billing Model: Description: Patient information, including personal information and insurance information, is combined with diagnosis codes from each of the customized exams. This is supplimented by data from
the dail SOAP notes to gather types of CMT, modalities, procedures, x-rays, etc. to produce a 'smart' CMS-1500 form with all the required fields filled out. After review, the form is automatically
batched together with other billings for that day and uplaoded to our insurance clearinghouse partner, ENS. ENS then forwards the information to Medicare or other group insurance companies. If you prefer to drop
the claim to paper to submit on your own, this can also be accomplished. When the insurance completes it processing the EOBs(Explanation of Benifits) and Check are sent to you and ERAs(Electronic Remittance Advice) are sent to ENS which can be autoposted
to ChiroPractice Pro.
ChiroPractice Pro reports track each time the insurance is billed, if it's rejected, if/when it's paid, how much is paid, how much is adjusted due to contracts, when you bill the patient and all your accounts receivables.
About ENS:
Since 1989, ENS has helped pioneer the rapid evolution of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and medical reimbursements within the healthcare industry. ENS now processes healthcare transactions from more than 200,000 providers nationwide. ENS is simplifying the entire healthcare transaction process by reducing administrative costs, improving efficiencies, and creating faster results for all participants. You can find out more information on their services by visiting their website:
In order to take advantage of all the billing features, an account with ENS is required. We have a strategic patnership with ENS which gives you unique access and integration to all their state of the art tools, including electronic claims tracking, electronic remittance advice and access to their online portal and suite of tools.
Contact ChiroPractice Pro at 866-914-6436 or for more details and pricing structure.
Can anybody remember when the times were not hard and money not scarce.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Feature: Reports
If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else.
- Lawrence J. Peter
Do you have goals for your practice? Do you know what your schedule percentage is for last month? What about your financial goals? Do you have a quick way of checking what your charging versus what your collecting? Do you track what your adjustments are?
ChiropracticPro has a report feature that answers all these questions on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis with our report feature.
Scheduling Visually track your scheduling percentage along with number of patients seen, no shows and the types of visits.
Finding which charges are making you the most money is as easy as creating a billing report. The breakdown of which patient and what charge is included every billing report.
Billing Status Quickly and easily tell from the day by day breakdown on the Charge Flow graph how well you are billing, adjusting and collecting on your charges.
What do the colors mean? Blue is the color of the charges made on that day
Green is the color of the payments made for that day
Red is the color of the adjustments made for that day
Yellow is the color of the insurance billings made for that day
How do I interpret it? If the yellow = the blue bar, then you've completely billed the insurance companies for all the charges made that day.
If the red bar + the green bar = the blue bar, then you have accounted for the enitre days charges.
If the red bar + the green bar < the blue bar, then you have outstanding balances due for that day.
A man doesn't know what he knows until he knows what he doesn't know.
- Lawrence J. Peter
Feature: Communication
The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem, of what to say and how to say it.
- Eward R. Murrow
Have you ever wanted to disseminate information to your patients? Have you wanted to send a letter with a copy of the patient's exams and treatment record to a referring physician? Have you missed a deadline or needed to jot a note about a patient? Have you ever needed to find who your new patients are?
ChiropracticPro communication and contact features gives you a level of communication features so feature rich, you will wonder how or why you existed without it.
Intra-office Communications A complete 'e-mail' like communication system is fully integrated into the ChiropracticePro managment system. Communicate easily between co-workers and doctors to ensure that all your team members are informed. Need to send an e-mail to a patient? There are several ways of doing this: 1. Send it from the Message Center 2. Send it from the Contact Center or 3. Send it from the Patient Data Page.
Setup reminders that show up on your schedules to ensure all of your time sensitive needs are taken care of. This is a feature of the Message Center.
Refferal Letters/Patient Data
From the Patient data page attaching a letter to a reffering physician is simple and easy. Include your own letterhead and any or all patient data and records that are needed. Have a patient who needs their record printed? Print their right from your browser.
People say conversation is a lost art; how often I have wished it were.
- Edward R. Murrow
Feature: Customization
Observe constantly that all things take place by change, and accustom thyself to consider that the nature of the Universe loves nothing so much as to change the things which are, and to make new things like them.
- Marcus Aurelius
I wish my system would do _______________________. I don't like the way my system does _____________________. I want! I want! I want!
YOU CAN HAVE IT YOUR WAY! The most unique feature of ChiropracticePro is it's customization ability. We want your system to work for you and your preferences. Each practice has it's own application setup and can be tweaked and changed to suit your needs.
System Setup During your initial setup, our staff looks at your intake forms, charge forms, note and exam forms, website and even your stationary to ensure that our setup will closely match your current usage and familiarity.
Customization Some customizations are built right into the system, including timing, naming and color settings for your schedules; custom charges and inventory items; and communication settings.
Exam and Test Manager
In ChirpracticePro, exams are made up of tests. Each test is customizable to the way you would like to see them. Each exam can contain any number and arrangement of test.
Enhancement Request
If the customizations built into the system aren't enough, you can dream up how you want your system to work by submitting an enhancement request. We will make every effort to implement your ideas, and the sky is the limit. If your idea can benifit others we'll roll it up and send it to everyone.
Why do we shrink from change? What can come into being save by change?
- Marcus Aurelius
Feature: Customer Service
If we don't take care of the customer, somebody else will. - Author Unknown
Help me, I've got an error!! I can't seem to figure this part out.
ChiropracticePro is committed to you, the customer, to provide you with 100% satifaction.
Call Call any time:
Our commitment to you: Solutions within 1 Day
Help Desk Request Need a solution. Describe it in our problem support form.
Our commitment to you: Solutions within 1 Day
To my customer: I may not have the answer, but I'll find it. I may not have the time, but I'll make it. I may not be the biggest, but I'll be the most committed to your success.
- Author Unknown
Feature: Security
Security is not a one-time project, but rather an on-going, dynamic process that will create new challenges as coverd entities' organizations and technologies change. - HIPAA Security Series
Is my data safe. Do you comply with HIPAA regulations regarding Security and Privacy.
We are committed to prividing you a safe, completely compliant record storing system.
In an effort to show compliance to HIPAA standards and practices this matrix is provided as a summary of our policies. We understand that many of these policies are shared responsibilities of both ChiropracticePro and the customer, and we want to partner with you to provide the most secure system available.
Administrative Safeguards
Implementation Specification
ChiropracticePro Policy Summary
Security Management Process § 164.308(a)(1)
Risk Analysis and Risk Management
Any EPHI is maintained on a secure server. Each file is encrypted with a proprietary encryption scheme. Access to EPHI is controlled by the administrator of each customer account. It is the responsibility of this adminstrator to ensure that the access given is necessary and adequate. Any portable device such as laptops, PDAs, etc. should have policies and procedures that limit
the automatic saving of passwords.
Sanction Policy
Any violations of security protocol or procedures are documented and sanctions up to and including limiting access of the violator to the data would be imposed.
Workforce Security § 164.308(a)(3)
Authorization and/or Supervision
ChiropracticePro provides for assigning access control to authorized users. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the people who have access are authorized to do so.
Security Awareness and Training § 164.308(a)(5)
Password Management
User names and passwords to any EPHI data should not be written down and stored in open areas. Password should be changed on a regular basis to ensure continued securty. This access is accomplished by the administrator of the account.
Contingency Plan § 164.308(a)(7)
Data Backup Plan
All EPHI data that is stored is backed up by ChiropracticePro on a regular basis. Should the need to restore this data arise, contact ChiropracticePro support for further details.
Business Associate Contracts and Other Arrangements § 164.308(b)(1)
Authorization and/or Supervision
The ChiropracticePro agreement acknowleges the authority of HIPAA and governs the access to EPHI data. Any subcontractor or insurance clearing house that ChiropracticePro uses will also have the necessary provisions to preserve security and privacy governed by HIPAA.
Physical Safeguards
Implementation Specification
ChiropracticePro Policy Summary
Facility Access Control § 164.310(a)(1)
Facility Security Plan and Maintenance Records
All EPHI stored by ChiropracticePro is done so on secure servers with limited access in secure locations. If data is physically moved the move will be documented. It is the customer responsibility to ensure that any data that is printed from ChiropracticePro and stored, be accompished in compliance with HIPAA rules.
Workstation Use § 164.310(b)
ChiropracticePro uses a timed session to ensure that if a user is inactive for more than a set time then the session will end and access denied until reactivation of the session is accomplished.
Device and Media Controls § 164.310(d)(1)
Any data that is moved from a server or hard drive will be competely erased to ensure the data is not compromised by future owners.
Data Backup and Storage
All EPHI data that is stored is backed up by ChiropracticePro on a regular basis. Should the need to restore this data arise, contact ChiropracticePro support for further details.
Technical Safeguards
Implementation Specification
ChiropracticePro Policy Summary
Access Control § 164.312(a)(1)
Unique User Identification
ChiropracticePro assigns a unique user ID for each user. Most activity within the system is tracked and can be viewed by ChiropraticePro personnel. Even access by patients (which do not have access to EPHI) is controlled and tracked with a unique user IDs.
Automatic Logoff
ChiropracticePro uses a timed session to ensure that if a user is inactive for more than a set time then the session will end and access denied until reactivation of the session is accomplished.
Person or Entity Authentication § 164.312(d)
ChiropracticePro uses unique user ID and Password to gain access to any and all EPHI.
Transmission Security § 164.310(e)(1)
All EPHI is stored in a proprietary encrypted file. Any transmission to outside organizations will be accomplished with either password protected files or further encryption.
While this [web based applications and other "portals"] means that the medical workforce can be more mobile and efficient the rise in the adoption rate of these technologies creates an increase in potential security risks.
- HIPAA Security Series